The Smart Alaskan

Vivo Moments in Time

To Be or Not to Be April 6, 2011

Life’s decisions are tough.  What to do, when to console, when to discipline, when to love, when to leave everything alone.

While some choices and direction seems to get easier as we age, decisions aren’t always smooth sailing as we get “silver streaks”.

There are black balls you can twirl or shake and it tells you “YES” or “NO”.  Then, there are Wives Tales of how to tell if you are having a boy or girl by using Drano crystals.  That is supposed to help you decide how to fix up a new baby’s room–for a girl or boy, and what infant clothes to buy.  And, some people believe you can read Taro cards to predict the future and make decisions.  To me, it’s all really a crap shoot sometimes.

Certainly there is security in having someone just tell you what to do.  The military for instance, is pretty good at that.  Then there are factory jobs, or prisons.  Those places have very stringent rules and they can’t be broken.  The people in charge are constantly telling you what to do.

But, I’m talking about job choices, and life choices, and decisions that affect others.  It is very, very difficult to guess what is the best path when making personal choices.  Buying a house, getting married or divorced, taking a new job or deciding to have children are really big decisions; some of the biggest in our lives experts tell us.  They are intended to be life-long, and sometimes have us sitting on the fence when we can’t decide, or second-guessing if it truly will be the right choice.

It might help to pray or meditate about tough decisions, and others find it easy to just “go with their gut”.  I’m more methodical about choices, which of course, sometimes causes anxiety or much more time spent deciding!

All of us wish there was a magic wand we could wave, and clarity would appear. Well, someone please tell me when that gets invented!  Until then, guess I’ll agonize over my logic, and hope I do what’s right for the situation!!


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