The Smart Alaskan

Vivo Moments in Time

Mad Hatter February 10, 2011

Head covering protected humans from weapons, to keep warm, from falling rocks or other flailing objects by Mother Nature.  Hats were once part of a uniform, then became fashion statements.

These days the fedora is a popular hat, even worn by Katherine Zeta-Jones at the Super Bowl.  Other well-known hats are the bowler, newsboy, trapper, cowboy, beret, bucket, beanie, pillbox, schoolboy, fisherman’s, mod, floppy, knit, skull, and my favorite, the cloche. Hats can be adorned with ribbon, feathers, fur, fringe, lace, flowers, buckles, buttons, or jewels.  They can be made of cotton, yarn, felt, suede, leather, oilcloth or fur.Milliners have existed since the 1700’s making coverings for the English.  British courts coined the term after haberdashers traveled from Milan, Italy selling their goods

In the 1920’s hats were a sign of social standing, and the poor went bareheaded.  After about 1918, hat-wearing became more utilitarian, and declined as a formal head covering.  These days hats are more affordable and worn to keep warm or as a fashion statement.  What’s your favorite?